Diet plays a major role in the quality of your sleep. Some foods can help you sleep, while others can disturb it. In this article, we explain how diet affects sleep and which foods to choose or avoid.

Here is the image that completes the article on nutrition and sleep. It shows a quiet bedroom with healthy snacks such as almonds, kiwi, cherries and a glass of water on the bedside table. The environment is cozy, with soft lighting and a calm atmosphere that emphasizes the connection between nutrition and quality of sleep.

Foods That Promote or Disturb Sleep

Foods that promote sleep:

  • Almonds: Rich in magnesium, which helps improve the quality of sleep.
  • Kiwi: They contain serotonin, which supports sleep regulation.
  • Cherries: Natural source of melatonin, which regulates the sleep-wake rhythm.
  • Fatty fish: Contains Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which promote quality sleep.

Foods that disturb sleep:

  • Caffeine: Avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and energy drinks in the afternoon and evening.
  • Alcohol: While it may help you fall asleep, it leads to a disturbed sleep cycle and poor sleep quality.
  • Heavy meals: Avoid heavy and fatty meals just before going to bed, as they can slow down digestion and disturb sleep.

Meal times

Meal times can affect sleep quality:

  • Light meals in the evening: Eat light meals for dinner to aid digestion and not disturb sleep.
  • Regular meal times: Maintain regular meal times to support your metabolism and sleep-wake rhythm.
  • Bedtime Snack: A light, healthy snack before bed, such as yogurt or a handful of nuts, can help you sleep.


Proper nutrition and the right timing of meals can significantly improve the quality of sleep. By choosing foods that promote sleep and avoiding those that disturb it, it is possible to positively influence your rest.

Preview of the next article

In the next article, we will discuss how stress affects sleep and what stress management strategies can help improve sleep quality. Stay tuned!

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